PICK Ministries

Patsy Southway has a heart to encourage the family of God to walk in intimacy with Him. She teaches from experience on Hearing His Voice, Deeper Intimacy, Healing and Releasing Your Heart, The Nurturing Father and Mother Heart of God, and Flowing in the Prophetic.

“The vision for PICK (‘Praying In Christ’s Kingdom’) Ministries began in June 2003 while I was relaxing on holiday in Spain. The word ‘pick’ kept coming to my mind. God began to speak to me about a 'new thing', and as I waited upon Him, He revealed the meaning of this word. He spoke to me of the need for increased prayer - both for me personally and also for his family, the church.

'Forget the former things. Do not dwell on the past.  See I am doing a new thing.  Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?  I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.'
Isaiah 43:18/19

He commissioned me to teach those with a desire to receive more of Him, to share what I’ve learnt of walking in intimacy with the Lord by soaking in His presence, and Praying In Christ’s Kingdom through contemplative, intercessory and warfare prayer. He revealed that teams would be trained and prepared to hear His voice, becoming a prophetic 'presence people' whose hearts and lives were yielded to Him for the furtherance of His kingdom. There was a particular focus on Europe.”

Indeed, over the past ten years, God has opened up many doors for Patsy into Europe, building new connections despite assaults from the enemy.

“Isaiah 43:18,19 has been such an encouragement to me. God is truly doing a 'new thing' in our day as revelations of His love, His Heart, and His Fathering continue to overwhelm us again and again.  We begin to see who we are in Him as He opens our hearts and minds to more of what it means to walk daily in intimacy with Him.  He alone gives us eyes to see, ears to hear and hearts to understand what the Spirit is saying to us at this time.”

For more details about PICK Ministry events, please take a look at Patsy's Events page

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